Start-Up Synfioo Offers Free Transparency for Truck Monitoring
16th April 2020
Potsdam-based start-up Synfioo is offering its OnTime Navigator for three months free of charge during the current international crisis. The tour management application allows the retrieval of ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) predictions as well as movement and disruption data from any computer. The OnTime Navigator data thus enables the people involved to better react to unexpected developments in the transport process in the wake of the corona crisis.
“Security of supply is currently a very important commodity. With our decision to make the use of OnTime Navigator available free of charge to potential interested parties, we want to play our part in optimizing road freight transport processes during the corona crisis,” emphasizes Marian Pufahl, CEO of Synfioo. “Because only those who have correct data on the position of the trucks and the disruptions ahead can make the right decisions for the further course of the transports. The same applies to precise arrival time predictions for raw materials and semi-finished materials, which have a major influence on the demand-oriented design of production processes.”
Find out more at the English landing page: too. Customers can register until 30.04.2020 and can cancel the tour management application within the three free months. Otherwise, the registration of users would then be transferred to a regular payment service.